Thursday, November 10, 2011

I always get so far behind that blogging starts becoming really inconvenient and I want to put it off even more.... and then when I do bog the results are... not very good. Not entertaining at least. Oh well, it's the pictures that make it worth looking at!

Koston and I went to the pumpkin patch with our friends Kara and Haylee :)

It was way too hot to be going to a pumpkin patch... but the babies were champs and didn't complain once :)

Koston turned 2! We celebrated at Freestone park and invited all of his friends :)
The kids got to feed the ducks. This was Kostons favorite part!

... because he got to eat the bread...

Cousins :)

Love Connor's cheesy smile! 

Friends feeding the ducks.

eating more bread...

Opening presents! It was really fun watching him open all of them because he actually understood and was excited to open them :)

Grandpa Garner :)

Birthday morning!! (10/25)

Halloween! The cutest hobo I've ever seen!

At the ward trunk or treat!



<3 <3

We're silly...

But we have fun :)


Surprise! Uhhh... it was really windy. This was the best pic. we got!

Things are Uh-mazing! I am so happy and so is K-town :) Koston just loves Clint and actually prefers him over me most of the time... but I'd rather have it that way then the other :) We're sad that we don't get to see him much, but we've managed to see eachother quite a bit considering we live so far a part.

Koston is getting so big! :( He is talking up a storm and he never stops! He is such a jabberer! He repeats everything I say and is always surprising me with the new words that he blurts out :) He is such a goof ball too! He definitly will be the class clown... I just hope he's a good boy too!

 I love him :)


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